Louisville Zoo Reduces Winter General Admission Price for their annual Kroger Wild Winter Days Food Drive with Dare to Care
Dare to Care Food Drive & Admission Discount
Now through Feb. 28, 2025, your Louisville Zoo is teaming up with Kroger for our Wild Winter Days program.
Visitors who bring in one canned food item or non-perishable food item (per person) to donate to Dare to Care may purchase tickets at the Zoo ticketing windows for $10.50 per adult and $7.50 per child / senior ticket. Remember that 25 cents of every admission ticket sold supports Louisville Zoo conservation efforts in Kentuckiana and around the world.
The discount is available at the ticketing windows only; not valid for online purchases. The offer is not valid for special fee-based programs, reciprocal discounts, for prepaid groups, field trips or with other discounts. No refunds will be provided for tickets prepaid in advance or purchase online. Multiple cans are appreciated but only one can per admission ticket is required for the discount; additional cans do not provide additional discounts.
Since 2009, the Louisville Zoo has collected nearly 30,000 pounds of food, thanks to the generosity of its guests. That is the weight of five male rhinoceros.
Dare to Care
Some of Dare to Care Food Bank’s most needed items include canned meats and fish, canned fruits, canned vegetables, canned soups and stews, canned beans, cereal, dry pasta, rice and peanut butter. Please no expired goods, opened or damaged packaging or any glass containers.
The Zoo is open daily year-round. Fall/Winter hours continue through March 14, 2025 from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. (exit by 5 p.m.). The Zoo is closed on Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Day.
For more information on Dare to Care, visit daretocare.org.
Don’t forget to sign up for Kroger Community Rewards and support your Zoo at no cost to you!