Whether it’s back to school, school registration, tutoring, private school information, or one of many other school related topics Lex Fun 4 Kids has a guide to help you along!

It’s time for Back to School in Central KY and there is a lot to do to get ready for the coming school year. School supplies, bus routes, new schedules, and much more. I hope this guide helps reduce the stress that comes with this crazy time of year and makes the start a little smoother for your family.
There’s something for all ages included whether it’s private school, school assistance, entering Kindergarten, or thinking about transitioning from high school to college!
- When do kids start back to school in Central KY?
- Where can I find after school or school's out care?
- Where can I get information about what is required to register for school?
- Where can we get assistance with school supplies?
- How can I find information about getting free/reduced lunch or fee waivers?
- What are some helpful tips for back to school from teachers?
When do kids start back to school in Central KY?
Fayette County Schools – August 14, 2024 (Promise Academies and RISE start July 30)
Madison County Schools – August 14, 2024
Scott County Schools – August 14, 2024
Jessamine County Schools – August 14, 2024
Woodford County Schools – August 8, 2024
Franklin County Schools – August 7, 2024
Bourbon County Schools – August 13, 2024
Anderson County Schools – August 8, 2024
Click HERE for current school year calendars for local counties
Where can I find after school or school’s out care?
Lex Fun 4 Kids has a local School’s Out Guide to after school programs or no school day programs and you can always find information from your child’s school directly. Sometimes they have a special after school program offered right there in the school or they can provide information about local day cares or facilities that offer van service before or after school.
Where can I get information about what is required to register for school?
There are many things required when you sign up for school. You may need a deed or lease, utility bill or mail, birth certificate, immunization information, etc. You can find all that information out from your school or the Lex Fun 4 Kids Kindergarten Registration information post is a quick link to Fayette County information.
Where can we get assistance with school supplies?
Numerous community events are held throughout the start of school that offer free supplies for students. Events for Fayette County Schools like the YMCA Back to School Rallies or the Carnegie Center Back to School Bash offer free supplies. You can also contact your school Family Resource Center or Youth Services Center Coordinator (FRYSC) and they can provide assistance.
How can I find information about getting free/reduced lunch or fee waivers?
The beginning of school also means additional expenses for many families. Schools offer free and reduced lunch as well as fee waivers for families but you DO NEED to apply for these benefits. Fee waivers allow for families to get a waiver for classroom fees, book fees, field trip costs, etc. For Fayette County Public Schools students you can find the link HERE as part of the Enrollment and Sign Up Forms. Each county will have their own application so you can ask your school secretary for that information.
What are some helpful tips for back to school from teachers?
There are loads of great tips for starting back to school! From kindergarten to high school there are things to plan for in order to have a successful year. Some tips to think about are getting back on a schedule, knowing bus routes, learning how the school communicates, practicing independence and more! For a full list of 10 + Back to School Tips click HERE.