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Date(s) - 04/07/2023
5:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Cost: Free
Greyline Station
- Age Range
- Babies
- Easter
- Easter Bunny
- Elementary
- Free
- Indoor Activity
- Parents
- Preschoolers
- Teens
- Toddlers

What time is it? Block party time! April’s Block Party will be featuring a special guest…the EASTER BUNNY! Join us for free Easter Bunny photos starting at 5:00pm! We are collecting donations of new or gently used board games, kids activities and arts and craft supplies for Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Bluegrass!
Join us on the first Friday of every month from 5-9 PM for a party with 50+ small businesses within Greyline Station. This evening will be full of yummy food, delicious drinks, great music, and amazing people!
Event Website
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