Ahoy, mateys! There will soon be a new ship in town, just waiting for any pirates who want to venture into Woodland Aquatic Center.

“A couple of years ago we had to take the pirate ship out of Woodland pool because of safety concerns,” Mayor Linda Gorton said. “Now we’re commissioning a new ship, and it’s first-rate!”
A Parks and Recreation team relied on input from residents at last year’s Woodland Arts Fair.
Today the City unveiled a conceptual design for a new ship.
“Next summer, pirates will be able to slide, climb, get sprayed and more in Woodland pool,” Gorton said. “It is really going to be a chance to have fun,”
Councilmember Hannah LeGris, who represents the Woodland Park area, said, “We are thrilled to have the crown jewel of Woodland Pool back and ready to sail out next season!”
The new ship is expected to cost about $500,000 and is being funded with federal American Rescue Plan Act funds.
The design will be on display at the Woodland Art Fair, which begins on Saturday, August 20th, 2022.
Woodland Art Fair, which has taken place for 46 years in Woodland Park, is an annual favorite of Lexingtonians. This year’s fair features 190 artists, 24 food and drink vendors, and 14 different musicians and dance groups performing.
“Parks & Recreation is sailing through an exciting and busy year,” Lexington Parks & Recreation Director Monica Conrad said. “We are excited for a new ship to dock at our popular Woodland Aquatic Center. It will enhance what is already one of our most utilized parks in the city. We just wrapped up our 32nd annual Ballet Under the Stars at Woodland Park earlier this month, and Woodland Art Fair kicks off tomorrow with an amazing array of vendors and food options!”
LeGris said she is looking forward to the fair. “Woodland Art Fair is one of the most anticipated events at the Park each year. I know that people from all around the state are coming out this weekend in support of the arts.”