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Date(s) - 05/07/2023
8:30 am - 11:30 am
Cost: Not Provided


Berea City Park


Join us for the inaugural Break A Leg 5K on Sunday, May 7, 2023 at 8:30am at Berea Community Park/Trail as we raise funds to support the Spotlight Acting School.



  • Scenic race through Berea Community Park and the Berea City Trail on paved trail surfaces
  • Commemorative race T-shirts (While supplies last)
  • Free race photos
  • Awards for top finishers
  • Costume contest (Dress up as your favorite actor/actress) — PRIZES!!!
  • Form a Social Team to expand your race experience — Prize for the largest team!
  • 5K run/walk, 1 mile walk and virtual options
  • Music, food, fun and fellowship!

Our race benefits Spotlight Acting School.

Spotlight Acting School is a theatre school for children from ages 4 to 18. Our purpose is to provide a creative environment for children who want to learn about performing on stage and to foster a life-long appreciation for the arts. The classes are designed not only to expose children to the various aspects of the theatre but also to teach them how to be comfortable in front of an audience which is a valuable skill for a lifetime. Spotlight Acting School has a standing tradition and goal to turn no student away regardless of the ability to pay tuition. In addition Spotlight Acting School is dedicated to the inclusion of children with various physical and mental disabilities to share in the opportunity to participate in the performing arts. All children are taught to work together and support each other in producing each performance.

PACKET PICKUP — Our packet pickup will be on race morning (Sunday, May 7th) from 7:00-8:30am at the Berea Community Park.  There is no advanced day packet pickup for this race.

Event Website

Event Website:https://runsignup.com/Race/KY/Berea/BreakALeg5KBerea

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Disclaimer: Please double check event information with the event organizer as events can be cancelled, details can change after they are added to our calendar, or we can make mistakes.

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