Since 2002, Bethune Institute, an education and research organization has served over 900 K-6th graders and families in our SOAR (Scholars on Academic Rise) Academy After School and Summer Program.
We provide a blend of academic, social and cultural enrichment, including STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, Arts) and Literacy enrichment. We have partnered with Pleasant Green Baptist Church since 2008. Certified teachers facilitate academic enrichment services and college students provide enrichment in the arts.
June 6 – 30th
Bethune Institute@ 1021 N. Limestone, Lexington, KY
Weekly Camp Themes
Week 1: Shark Week
Week 2: Space Week
Week 3: Around the World Week
Week 4: Rain Forest Week
Celebrating 21 Years Providing Educational Programming
Our mission is to help scholars improve their academic achievement and success in school and life.
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