The contest inspiration
In 1975, Wendy Ewald moved to Letcher County where she taught photography to fourth graders. She asked them to photograph the things closest to them, including their dreams or fantasies. She said, “It opened up a whole new way of making pictures for them.” The students staged themselves, family, friends, and toys to re-enact things they thought or had dreams about and took photos of them.

Now KET asks Kentucky students to do the same
KET invites Kentucky students in kindergarten through 12th grade to enter their best photograph with the theme “Portraits and Dreams” to KET’s Photography Contest. Students are encouraged to be creative with the theme. Take a bunch of photographs and pick your favorite one to submit to the contest. We can’t wait to see what you see!

What should students photograph for the contest?

  • Portraits: People, animals, places, or objects that are special to the photographer
  • Dreams: Staged scenes from dreams, daydreams, or hopes using friends, family, toys, and/or themselves to photograph what otherwise would only be seen by the photographer.

The contest will be judged by qualified KET staff and one student photographer. The People’s Choice award will be determined by online voting. Finalists’ photographs will be published on the KET website, and first, second, and third place winners as well People’s Choice winner will receive a prize. The contest ends August 3 at midnight ET.

To enter use the form on their website. Find guidelines, the scoring rubric, idea prompts and more in the sidebar on their site.

Questions? Email: photocontest@ket.org

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